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MK Kim, W Jeong, S Jeon, HW Kang, "3D bioprinting of dECM-incorporated hepatocyte spheroid for simultaneous promotion of cell-cell and -ECM interactions"
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, DOI : 2023;11:1305023.

MK Kim, W Jeong, HW Kang, "Liver dECM–Gelatin Composite Bioink for Precise 3D Printing of Highly Functional Liver Tissues" 
Journal of Functional Biomaterials, DOI : 10.3390/jfb14080417

J Son, HJ Mohamed, W Ha, A Naren, CA Choi, Y Kwon, S Park, HC Joung, HW Kang, "Bioprinting of pre-vascularized constructs for enhanced in vivo neo-vascularization
Biofabrication, DOI : 10.1088/1758-5090/acc9de


SS Jung, J Son, SJ Yi, K Kim, HS Park, HW Kang, HK Kim, "Development of Müller cell-based 3D biomimetic model using bioprinting technology" 
Biomedical Materials, DOI : 10.1088/1748-605X/aca0d5

N Myung, S Jin, H Cho, HW Kang, "User-designed device with programmable release profile for localized treatment"
Journal of Controlled Release, DOI : 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.10.054

J Han, S Jeon, MK Kim, W Jeong, JJ Yoo, HW Kang, "
In vitro breast cancer model with patient-specific morphological features for personalized medicine"
Biofabrication, DOI : 10.1088/1758-5090/ac6127


SG Kim, D You, K Kim, J Aum, YS Kim, MJ Jang, KH Moon, HW Kang, "Therapeutic Effect of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Conditioned Medium on Erectile Dysfunction"
World Journal of Mens Health, DOI : 10.5534/wjmh.210121.

J Son, SJ Hong, JW Lim, W Jeong, JH Jeong, HW Kang, "
Engineering tissue‐specific, multiscale microvasculature with a capillary network for prevascularized tissue"
Small Methods, DOI : 10.1002/smtd.202100632

S Jeon, SH Lee, SB Ahmed, J Han, SJ Heo, HW Kang, "
3D cell aggregate printing technology and its applications"
Essays in Biochemistry, DOI : 10.1042/EBC20200128

J Han, W Jeong, MK Kim, SH Nam, EK Park, HW Kang, "
Demineralized dentin matrix particle-based bio-ink for patient-specific shaped 3D dental tissue regeneration"
Polymers, DOI : 10.3390/polym13081294

W Jeong, MK Kim, HW Kang, "
Effect of detergent type on the performance of liver decellularized extracellular matrix-based bio-inks"
Journal of Tissue Engineering, DOI : 10.1177/2041731421997091


S Jeon, JH Heo, MK Kim, W Jeong, HW Kang, "High‐precision 3D bio‐dot printing to improve paracrine interaction between multiple types of cell spheroids"
Advanced Functional Materials, DOI : 10.1002/adfm.202005324

MK Kim, W Jeong, SM Lee, JB Kim, S Jin, HW Kang
, "Decellularized extracellular matrix-based bio-ink with enhanced 3D printability and mechanical properties"
Biofabrication, DOI : 10.1088/1758-5090/ab5d80

S Noh, K Kim, JI Kim, JH Shin, HW Kang, "
Direct-write printing for producing biomimetic patterns with self-aligned neurites"
Additive Manufacturing, DOI : 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101072

S Cao, J Han, N Sharma, B Msallem, W Jeong, J Son, C Kunz, HW Kang, FM Thieringer, "
In vitro mechanical and biological properties of 3D printed polymer composite and β-tricalcium phosphate scaffold on human dental pulp stem cells"
Materials, DOI : 10.3390/ma13143057


CB Ahn, JH Lee, DG Han, HW Kang, SH Lee, JI LeeI, KH Son, JW Lee, "Simulated microgravity with floating environment promotes migration of non-small cell lung cancers"
Scientific reports, DOI : 10.1038/s41598-019-50736-6

S Jeon, J Han, W Jeong, J Son, JB Kim, HW Kang, "
Flexibility Enhancement of Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) for Fused Deposition Modeling Technology"
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, DOI : 10.1007/s40684-019-00067-8

J Han, D Kim, I Jang, HR Kim, HW Kang, "
Bioprinting of three-dimensional dentin–pulp complex with local differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells"
Journal of tissue engineering, DOI : 10.1177/2041731419845849

JH Shin, JH Heo, S Jeon, JH Park,S Kim,HW Kang, "
Bio-inspired hollow PDMS sponge for enhanced oil–water separation"
Journal of hazardous materials, DOI : /10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.10.078

JH Shin, K Kim, H Woo, IS Kang, HW Kang, WS Choi, G Lim, "
One-directional flow of ionic solutions along fine electrodes under an alternating current electric field"
Royal Society Open Science, DOI : 10.1098/rsos.180657


JH Kim, YJ Seol, IK Ko, HW Kang, YK Lee, JJ Yoo, A Atala, SJ Lee, "3D Bioprinted Human Skeletal Muscle Constructs for Muscle Function Restoration"
Scientific Reports, DOI : 10.1038/s41598-018-29968-5 

YJ Seol, H Lee, JS Copus, HW Kang, DW Cho, A Atala, SJ Lee, JJ Yoo, "
3D bioprinted biomask for facial skin reconstruction
Bioprinting, DOI : 10.1016/j.bprint.2018.e00028

Park JY, Jang J, Kang HW, "
3D Bioprinting and Its Application to Organ-on-a-Chip"
Microelectronic Engineering, DOI : 10.1016/j.mee.2018.08.004

D Kang, G Ahn, D Kim, HW Kang, S Yun, WS Yun, JH Shim, S Jin, "
Pre-set extrusion bioprinting for multiscale heterogeneous tissue structure fabrication
Biofabrication, DOI : 10.1088/1758-5090/aac70b

G Shi, T Yoon, S Cha, S Kim, M Yousuf, N Ahmed, D Kim, HW Kang, KS Kim, "
Turn-on and Turn-off Fluorescent Probes for Carbon Monoxide Detection and Blood Carboxyhemoglobin Determination"
ACS Sensors, DOI : 10.1021/acssensors.8b00083

J Shin, HW Kang, "
The Development of Gelatin-Based Bio-Ink for Use in 3D Hybrid Bioprinting
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, DOI : 10.1007/s12541-018-0092-1

N Myung, HW Kang, "
Construction of Programmable Drug Delivery System with Additive Manufacturing"
The Korean Society for Precision Engineering, DOI : 10.7736/KSPE.2018.35.9.835


A Skardal, SV Murphy, M Devarasetty, I Mead, HW Kang, YJ Seol, YS Zhang, S Shin, L Zhao, J Aleman, AR Hall, TD Shupe, A Kleensang, MR Dokmeci, SJ Lee, JD Jackson, JJ Yoo, T Hartung, A Khademhosseini, S Soker, CE Bishop, A Atala, "Multi-tissue interactions in an integrated three-tissue organ-on-a chip platform"
Scientific Reports
, DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-08879-x

SU Zhang, J Han, HW Kang. "
Temperature-dependent mechanical properties of ABS parts fabricated by fused deposition modeling and vapor smoothing"
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, DOI : 10.1007/s12541-017-0091-7


TY Kang, JM Hong, JW Jung, HW Kang, DW Cho, "Construction of Large-Volume Tissue Mimics with 3D Functional Vascular Networks"
PLOS ONE, DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0156529

HW Kang, SJ Lee, IK Ko, C Kengla, JJ Yoo, A Atala, "
A 3D bioprinting system to produce human-scale tissue constructs with structural integrity"
Nature Biotechnology, DOI : 10.1038/nbt.3413

H Lee, D Nam, JK Choi, MJ Araúzo-Bravo, SY Kwon, H Zaehres, T Lee, CY Park, HW Kang, HR Schöler, JB Kim, "
Establishment of feeder-free culture system for human induced pluripotent stem cell on DAS nanocrystalline graphene"
Scientific Report, DOI : 10.1038/srep20708

H Lee, JJ Yoo, HW Kang, DW Cho, "
Investigation of thermal degradation with extrusion-based dispensing modules for 3D bioprinting technology
Biofabrication, DOI : 10.1088/1758-5090/8/1/015011

A Skardal, M Devarasetty, HW Kang, YJ Seol, SD Forsythe, C Bishop, T Shupe, S Soker, A Atala, "
Bioprinting cellularized constructs using a tissue-specific hydrogel bioink"
Journal of Visualized Experiments, DOI : 10.3791/53606

N Myung, JW Rhie, HW Kang, "
3D Bioprinting Technology for Regeneration of Artificial Skin"
Journal of the Korean Wound Care Society


A Skardal, M Devarasetty, HW Kang, I Mead, C Bishop, T Shupe, SJ Lee, J Jackson, J Yoo, S Soker, A Atala, "A hydrogel bioink toolkit for mimicking native tissue biochemical and mechanical properties in bioprinted tissue constructs"
Acta Biomaterialia, DOI : 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.07.030

JH Park, JM Hong, YM Ju, JW Jung, HW Kang, SJ Lee, JJ Yoo, SW Kim, SH Kim, DW Cho, "
A novel tissue-engineered trachea with a mechanical behavior similar to native trachea"
Biomaterials, DOI : 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.05.008

T Merceron, M Burt, YJ Seol, HW Kang, SJ Lee, JJ Yoo, A Atala, "A 3D bioprinted complex structure for engineering the muscle–tendon unit"
Biofabrication, DOI : 10.1088/1758-5090/7/3/035003


JW Jung, JH Park, JM Hong, HW Kang, DW Cho, "Octahedron pore architecture to enhance flexibility of nasal implant-shaped scaffold for rhinoplasty"
International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing, DOI : 10.1007/s12541-014-0634-0

JH Park, JW Jung, HW Kang, DW Cho, "
Indirect three-dimensional (3D) printing of synthetic polymer scaffold based on thermal molding process"
Biofabrication, DOI :10.1088/1758-5082/6/2/025003

YJ Seol, HW Kang, SJ Lee, A Atala, JJ Yoo, "
Bioprinting technology and its applications"
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, DOI : 10.1093/ejcts/ezu148

X Cheng, JJ Yoo, RG Hale, MR Davis, HW Kang, S Jin, "
3D printed biomaterials for maxillofacial tissue engineering and reconstruction"
Open Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, DOI : 10.12966/ojbmr.07.02.2014


HW Kang, YS Jeong, SJ Lee, KS Kim, WS Yun, "Development of a compact micro-stereolithography (MSTL) system using a Blu-ray optical pickup unit"
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, DOI : 10.1088/0960-1317/22/11/115021

HW Kang, DW Cho, "
Development of an Indirect Stereolithography Technology for Scaffold Fabrication with a Wide Range of Biomaterial Selectivity
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, DOI : 10.1089/ten.TEC.2011.0621

SH Hwang, SY Kim, SH Park, MY Choi, HW Kang, YJ Seol, JH Park, DW Cho, OK Hong, JG Rha, SW Kim, "Human Inferior Turbinate: An Alternative Tissue Source of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, DOI : 10.1177/0194599812447172

JH Park, JW Jung, HW Kang, YH Joo, JS Lee, DW Cho, "
Development of a 3D bellows tracheal tracheal graft: graft: Mechanical behavior analysis, fabrication and an in vivo feasibility study"
Biofabrication, DOI : 10.1088/1758-5082/4/3/035004

HW Kang, JH Park, DW Cho, "
A pixel based solidification model for projection based stereolithography technology."
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, DOI : 10.1016/j.sna.2012.01.016

HW Kang, JH Park, TY Kang, YJ Seol, DW Cho, "
Unit cell-based computer-aided manufacturing system for tissue engineering"
Biofabrication, DOI : 10.1088/1758-5082/4/1/015005

JW Jung, HW Kang, TY Kang, JH Park, J Park, DW Cho, "
Projection Image-generation Algorithm for Fabrication of a Complex Structure using Projection-based Microstereolithography"
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, DOI : 10.1007/s12541-012-0057-8


TY Kang, HW Kang, CM Hwang, SJ Lee, J Park, JJ Yoo, DW Cho, "Realistic prediction of oxygen transport in a tissue-engineered scaffold by introducing time-varying effective diffusion coefficients"
Acta Biomaterialia, DOI : 10.1016/j.actbio.2011.05.015


G Ahn, JH Park, T Kang, JW Lee, HW Kang, DW Cho, "Effect of pore architecture on oxygen diffusion in 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering"
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, DOI : 10.1115/1.4002429

KJ Kim, JW Oh, GZ Jin, JH Lee, DY Oh, HW Kang, HM Kim, SH Lee, DW Cho, ST Ahn, JW Rhie, "
Preparation and Evaluation of PLGA-Silica Scaffold with Human Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells for Bone Tissue Engineering
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine


HW Kang, JW Rhie, DW Cho, "Development of a Bi-pore Scaffold Using Indirect Solid Freeform Fabrication based on Microstereolithography Technology
Microelectronic Engineering, DOI : 10.1016/j.mee.2008.11.054

JS Choi, HW Kang, IH Lee, TJ Ko, DW Cho, "
Development of Micro-stereolithography Technology Using a UV Lamp and Optical Fiber
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI : 10.1007/s00170-008-1461-1


HW Kang, YJ Seol, DW Cho, "Development of an indirect solid freeform fabrication process based on microstereolithography for 3-D porous scaffolds"
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, DOI : 10.1088/0960-1317/19/1/015011

SP Lee, HW Kang, SJ Lee, IH Lee, TJ Ko, DW Cho, "
Development of rapid mask fabrication technology for micro-abrasive jet machining
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, DOI : 10.1007/s12206-008-0607-2

SJ Lee, HW Kang, JK Park, JW Rhie, SK Hahn, DW Cho, "
Application of microstereolithography in the development of three-dimensional cartilage regeneration scaffolds
Biomedical Microdevices, DOI : 10.1007/s10544-007-9129-4


HW Kang, DW Cho, "Design and measurement of nanopatterns for FIB reliability assessments"
Microelectronic Engineering, DOI : 10.1016/j.mee.2007.01.029

SH Lee, HW Kang, DW Cho, W Moon, "Study on the method for the reliability test of focused ion beam"
Microsystem Technologies, DOI : 10.1007/s00542-006-0227-7


SJ Lee, HW Kang, T Kang, B Kim, G Lim, JW Rhie, DW Cho, "Development of Scaffold Fabrication System using Axiomatic Approach
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, DOI : 10.1088/0960-1317/17/1/019

LS Cheng, HW Kang, DW Cho, "
Improvement of the representative volume element method for 3-D scaffold simulation
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, DOI : 10.1007/BF02916276

HW Kang, IH Lee, DW Cho, "
Development of a Micro-bellows Actuator using Microstereolithography Technology"
Microelectronic Engineering, DOI : 10.1016/j.mee.2006.01.228


SJ Lee, HW Kang, Y Kim, GW Lee, G Lim, DW Cho, "Development of a Micro-blood-typing System using Micro-stereolithography"
Sensors and Materials, Vol. 17, No. 3 (2005) 113– 123


HW Kang, IH Lee, DW Cho, "Development of an Assembly-free Process Based on Virtual Environment for Fabricating 3D Micro-fluidic Systems Using Micro-stereolithography Technology
Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, DOI : 10.1115/1.1811116


Integrated organ and tissue printing methods, system and apparatus

HW Kang, SJ Lee, A Atala, JJ Yoo

US Patent App. 17/237,116

Integrated organ and tissue printing methods, system and apparatus

HW Kang, SJ Lee, A Atala, JJ Yoo

US Patent 11,013,825


Manufacturing method for 3D structure of biomaterials using stereolithography technology and products by the same

DW Cho, HW Kang

US Patent 8,512,622


Integrated organ and tissue printing methods, system and apparatus

HW Kang, SJ Lee, A Atala, JJ Yoo

US Patent App. 13/267,448

Three-demensional bio printing apparatus based on optical coherence tomography and method of three-demensional bio printing using the same

W Jung, HW Kang, YJ Ahn, HG Kim

Korea Patent, GN : 1018057740000

Medical silicon 3D printer and extrusion nozzle for the same

HD Kang, J Han, SG Kim, N Myung, J son, HW Kang

Korea Patent, GN : 1018273600000

Active-assistive and Customized Self-Rehabilitation device

YC Jeon, JH Lee, JY Kim, MS Kwon, JS Lee, HW Kang, JH Ryu, NH Kim, JW Kim, HY Jung, SC Ahn, SC Lim

Korea Patent, GN : 1023370180000

Manufacturing method of brittleness improvement filament for 3D printer

HW Kang, S Jeon, J Son, J Han, W Jeong

Korea Patent, GN : 1019411310000

Medical silicon 3D printer

HD Kang, J Han, SG Kim, N Myung, J Son, HW Kang

Korea Patent, GN : 1018638740000

Bio-ink composition for the three-dimensional printing and process for preparing the same

HW Kang, MK Kim, W Jeong

Korea Patent, GN : 1019549530000

Manufacturing Method of Structure of Artificial Vascular by Using 3D Printing, Structure of Artificial Vascular Manufactured by the Same, Manufacturing Method of Artificial Vascular using the Same and Artificial Vascular Manufactured by the Same

HW Kang, SJ Hong, J Son

Korea Patent, GN : 1019498460000

Manufacturing Method for Decellularized Tissue and Decellularized Tissue Manufactured by the same

HW Kang, MK Kim, W Jeong, HG Kim

Korea Patent, GN : 1020421140000

A method for manufacturing cell spheroid using bio-ink

HW Kang, S Jeon, JH Heo

Korea Patent, GN : 1021563100000

A manufacturing method for composite tissue using bio-ink based 3D printing

HW Kang, J Han

Korea Patent, GN : 1022203650000

Structure for retinal cell culture using 3D bioprinting and Uses thereof

HG Kim, HW Kang, J Son, KH Kim

Korea Patent, GN : 1022241150000

Tissue Homogenizer for the Production of Bio-ink and Bio-ink Prepared using the same

HW Kang, W Jeong

Korea Patent, GN : 1024226460000

Filament stretching device

HW Kang, J son, S Jeon, W Jeong, J Han

Korea Patent, GN : 1023344420000

Programmable Drug Transfer Device for Transplantation and Preparation Method of the same

HW Kang, N Myung

Korea Patent, GN : 1024834790000

A vascularized reconstructed skin with functional blood vessels and manufacturing method thereof

JH Jung, HW Kang, JW Lim, J Son

Korea Patent, OPN : 1020230077302

Bio Ink Based on Bioonspired Regeneration Material Particle Comprising Demineralized Matrix

HW Kang, J Han

Korea Patent, OPN : 1020230116244

Manufacturing Method of Cancer Organoid Using 3D Printing

HW Kang, J Han, JJ Yoo

Korea Patent, OPN : 1020230106074

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